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Castle Fight p1l1s®

1. 90 %
2. 94 %
3. 66 %
4. 81 %
5. 69 %
6. 73 %
7. 57 %
8. 66 %
9. 69 %
10. 61 %


HellHalt Classic p1l1s®

1. 75 %
2. 75 %
3. 75 %
4. 70 %
5. 74 %
6. 69 %
7. 67 %
8. 73 %
9. 76 %
10. 68 %


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New loader for Win7 & vista x64 has been released!2009-08-13

Who had crush on win7 or vista x64 now can download a new loader!
Download Loader 1.24A >>(loader_fix_win7_by_Keres.zip).
Big Thanks to Keres.
Update to 1.24a2009-08-12

Download Patch 1.23A to 1.24A>>(War3TFT_123a_124a_English).
Download Patch 1.24A FULL>>(War3TFT_124a_English.exe).
Download loader 1.24>>(w3l_1_1_1_by_Keres.zip).
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
Everyone may get a problem while installing Warcraft 3 TFT Patch Upgrades. This tools allows you to make warcraft registry entries just by entering your warcraft installed path like "C:\Warcraft 3". It is a great war3 tool and it will be very useful for installing Warcraft 3 1.24 Patch for those people who don't have Original Warcraft 3 copy or they reinstalled windows without removing Warcraft (this causes registry entries to be deleted).Download>>
For those who has problem with Warcraft III 1.24 crush on Windows 7 or Vista x64. This problem caused by DEP. You can turn it off with the next two steps.
1. Run Command Promt with administrative priviledges and type there: bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff
2. Reboot
WarCraft3 Map pack!2009-04-19

WarCraft3 Map pack!

Download >>(Maps.zip).
Wc3Fixer bug!2009-03-23

WC3Fixer had a small bug with adding the Diablo2 directory at the end of location.I made new WC3Fixer, tested! 100% work fine!

Download >>(WC3Fixer.zip).

I made a special Full install for the 1.23 version. After downloading this, you don't need any help at all.Enjoy!

Just Download >> (Warcraft3 Setup 1.23)

Download extract and execute wc3.reg after setup (wc3.zip).
unable to connect to battle.net2009-03-22

If you have message "unable to connect to battle.net you may be traying to connect to an invalid battle.net server"
Download this quick registry fix
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'2009-03-22

Everyone faces problem while installing Warcraft 3 TFT Patch Upgrades. This tools allows you to make warcraft registry entries just by entering your warcraft installed path like "C:\Warcraft 3". It is a great war3 tool and it will be very useful for installing Warcraft 3 1.23 Patch for those people who don't have Original Warcraft 3 copy or they reinstalled windows without removing Warcraft (this causes registry entries to be deleted).

Download (WC3Fixer.zip).
Update to 1.23a2009-03-22

Server updated to 1.23a.To play on our network you have to start using new loader, download it from here (PvPGN-Loader-v1.23).Server will automaticly update your current verstion to 1.23a.If you having problems with your update please read this before asking in forum (Info)
1.23 patch comming soon...2009-03-20

At the moment 1.23 patch is not available in our network, because new patch 1.23 are not supported by loader.So for now we have to wait new realeses of loader if there will be so.
Ghost bots2009-02-15

If you are using one of the Ghost bots you should read this Bot's info



Tournament registration
Players list
Tournament schedule
Tournament rules

tournament winners

Castle Fight

rikz101 &  tyson
RingsOfRainbow &  rikz101
surtsey &  danesdb
DaneSDB &  hakai
Sundel &  Myrmidon
Nopeu &  DaneSDB
npokypopp &  voix2ciel
Myrmidon &  DaneSDB
ChampK &  qpEHuKC
kamilek &  F4RR3LL77307


HellHalt Classic

siop-- &  newjeans
DqVoLcHeTo &  Sunrisee
ponasbaronas &  159487
Dark_Side_Alpha &  evil21
BeyondHades &  DevilsSword
Oneloveonegame &  Proha[v.2.0]
BeyondHades &  DevilsSword
kokata &  decibelo
pepega228 &  pepega227
krasavchik &  oneloveonegame
