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Castle Fight: Online Stats
Castle Fight: Personal Stats
Castle Fight: Changelog
Castle Fight: About p1l1s
HellHalt: Online Stats
HellHalt: Personal Stats
Custom: Online Stats
p1l1s®: Name Protection
p1l1s®: Reset Stats
best players top 10

Castle Fight p1l1s®

1. 90 %
2. 94 %
3. 66 %
4. 81 %
5. 69 %
6. 73 %
7. 57 %
8. 66 %
9. 69 %
10. 61 %


HellHalt Classic p1l1s®

1. 75 %
2. 75 %
3. 75 %
4. 70 %
5. 74 %
6. 69 %
7. 67 %
8. 73 %
9. 76 %
10. 68 %


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Pass :

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Installer for 1.27a OUT NOW!2016-03-26

For those who having troubles after a new version realease - fresh installer for 1.27a version.
Download >> (from 'how to' section)
Please let me know if you have any problems with installer.
Update to 1.27a2016-03-24

Server updated to 1.27a


From this version you have to start using a new game loader.
Download loader 1.27a >>(w3l_1_4_by_Keres.zip)
Extract the game loader to your WarCraft3 folder.

Server will automaticly update your current verstion to 1.27a. If you having problems with your update please try re-install the game with a new patch.

Now we will support both - english and russian game client versions.
Download Patch 1.27a English >>(War3TFT_127a_English.exe)
Download Patch 1.27a Russian >>(War3TFT_127a_Russian.exe)

Specific Changes & Improvements
- Throw away that old PowerPC Mac in the closet, we've created a new installer to support Mac 10.10 and 10.11
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7, 8.1, and 10
- Fixed a crash caused by Chain Lightning

Known Issues
- Windows 8.1 and 10 saved games are still stored in a location that requires running as system admin
- Some graphical issues with the cinematics are still occurring
- Changes to gamma settings will not take effect in windowed mode
- Cyrillic characters are still not displaying
- Disabled ambient sound while a MIDI issue is being resolved
- Mac 10.9 and earlier are not supported
- Mac build does not support the editor
WarCraft3 Patch 1.272016-03-19

Please do not apply patch 1.27, as it won't work with current game loader. I will let you know when will be safe to update your version.
Castle Fight !2016-02-14

Added some information about p1l1s bot.
Castle Fight !2015-12-23

Added new owner command - !resume. It can be used to unpause the game. Also did some fixes on votekick player mechanism. Enjoy!
Castle Fight !2015-12-13

Castle fight player statistics! Check it out now!
Castle Fight !2015-11-17

Due to some people finding very funny ruining other players statistics, now we have to protect themselves from things like this. Follow the instructions on the "Name Protection" link.
Castle Fight !2015-06-02

Update for Castle fight players who do not play more than for one month and has a rank higher than 500 will become unranked.
Castle Fight Tourney!2015-03-22

Let me introduce the next 1v1 mp2 tournament with no orb mode on April 5 Sunday. Last tournament winner will have a chance to defend his title and protect his privileges on the server if he dare. Good luck!
Castle Fight !2015-01-16

Castle fight players who do not play more than for three months and has a rank higher than 500 will become unranked.



Tournament registration
Players list
Tournament schedule
Tournament rules

tournament winners

Castle Fight

rikz101 &  tyson
RingsOfRainbow &  rikz101
surtsey &  danesdb
DaneSDB &  hakai
Sundel &  Myrmidon
Nopeu &  DaneSDB
npokypopp &  voix2ciel
Myrmidon &  DaneSDB
ChampK &  qpEHuKC
kamilek &  F4RR3LL77307


HellHalt Classic

siop-- &  newjeans
DqVoLcHeTo &  Sunrisee
ponasbaronas &  159487
Dark_Side_Alpha &  evil21
BeyondHades &  DevilsSword
Oneloveonegame &  Proha[v.2.0]
BeyondHades &  DevilsSword
kokata &  decibelo
pepega228 &  pepega227
krasavchik &  oneloveonegame
