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Castle Fight: Online Stats
Castle Fight: Personal Stats
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Castle Fight: About p1l1s
HellHalt: Online Stats
HellHalt: Personal Stats
Custom: Online Stats
p1l1s®: Name Protection
p1l1s®: Reset Stats
best players top 10

Castle Fight p1l1s®

1. 90 %
2. 94 %
3. 66 %
4. 81 %
5. 69 %
6. 73 %
7. 57 %
8. 66 %
9. 69 %
10. 61 %


HellHalt Classic p1l1s®

1. 75 %
2. 75 %
3. 75 %
4. 70 %
5. 74 %
6. 69 %
7. 67 %
8. 73 %
9. 76 %
10. 68 %


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Pass :

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Castle Fight!2014-10-17

Just now freshly released a new version of Castle Fight with new futures, balance fixes and map mode support for p1l1s bots. Enjoy!
Castle Fight Tourney!2014-10-05

Castle Fight Tourney on November 2, Sunday 18:00 hrs. Winners will receive award! Register now!
Castle Fight Bot p1l1s2014-06-01

Great news for our server players!
From today Castle Fight users at p1l1s bot will be able to use new command - !Local.
With !Local players will take ownership from non-local users.This command works after spoofcheck is completed, about 10-20 secs of joining the game. Enjoy!
Castle Fight Bot p1l1s issues2014-05-28

Just want to let you all know that a connection problems we had are solved now and both p1l1s bots should stay online.
Castle Fight Tourney!2014-03-18

1v1 mp2 Castle Fight Tourney on April 13, Sunday 18:00 hrs. Winner will receive award ! Register now and don't miss the opportunity to become the best player on this planet!
Castle Fight !2014-02-28

I am very sorry to say, but it looks like "Alkar" server admin decided to block p1l1s bot on their server, because they could not follow the rules to keep their bots on our network. All players who was playing from "Alkar" server can freely join our server with they desired nicknames, if nickname already taken or unavailable we can transfer players stats to other nickname just let me know on the forum.
Castle Fight !2014-01-18

From today all players will be sorted with skill level:
Novice -> Trainee -> Recruit -> Competent -> Veteran -> Expert -> Pro -> Extreme Pro!
Once you achieve a new skill level, it will stay forever. Enjoy!
Castle Fight !2013-12-05

2v2 Castle Fight Christmas Tournament on Sunday, December 22, 18:00 hrs.
Winners will receive awards !
Register Now!
Castle Fight !2013-11-30

Well, I heard rumors what players still wondering how the new rank system works. I will try to explain as simple as possible. You probably remember the old rank system, it was basically working on players efficiency, the higher efficiency - the higher rank, and all it was tied to win/lose amount. But now even a new player can become rank #1. So the simplest explanation will be this:
If you win versus lower rank player, your rank will increase only slightly.
If you win versus higher rank player, your rank will become his rank.( for 2 vs 2 games rank will increase considerably more than winning vs lower rank, as it all depends on players rank )
If you lose versus higher rank player, you will not drop down by the rank.
If you lose versus lower rank player, you will go down by the rank ( how much it depends on how low player rank was )
Try always play versus higher rank players, and try not to lose to lower rank players as it will seriously affects your rank. If you want to become the best player on the planet , you can't lose to anyone.

Good luck!
Castle Fight !2013-10-29

I would like to introduce the new Castle Fight statistics algorithm, which will totally define the best player on this planet. So from today you have a true chance to become the number one player in the world. Good luck!



Tournament registration
Players list
Tournament schedule
Tournament rules

tournament winners

Castle Fight

rikz101 &  tyson
RingsOfRainbow &  rikz101
surtsey &  danesdb
DaneSDB &  hakai
Sundel &  Myrmidon
Nopeu &  DaneSDB
npokypopp &  voix2ciel
Myrmidon &  DaneSDB
ChampK &  qpEHuKC
kamilek &  F4RR3LL77307


HellHalt Classic

siop-- &  newjeans
DqVoLcHeTo &  Sunrisee
ponasbaronas &  159487
Dark_Side_Alpha &  evil21
BeyondHades &  DevilsSword
Oneloveonegame &  Proha[v.2.0]
BeyondHades &  DevilsSword
kokata &  decibelo
pepega228 &  pepega227
krasavchik &  oneloveonegame
