News |
New map of Castle Fight 1.21a has been released, you can download it from our bot p1l1s, also we made 1v1 -mp2 mode tourneys thursdays. Enjoy! |
Admin |
I am excited to announce that we are starting very first official Castle Fight 2v2 season in http://www.warcraft3.eu server!
The season will consist of one opening tourney, two weekly tourneys (up to 20) and one closing tourney.
Each opening and closing tourney will give a sufficient number of points and all weekly tourneys will give small number of points. The person who will have most points will be considered the winner of the season and his nick will be posted on the newly developed CF version loading screen. This system gives you freedom to have new partner every tourney but still makes it important to have the partner to be a good player. However, person must be quite active in the weekly tourneys to have a good chance to get to the loading screen because other person, who enters less tourneys but accidentally wins the opening or closing tourney may have more points in the end. This works other way around too =]
On the warcraft3.eu forum you can give you suggestions about the tourney, vote for the official modes, download cf version of this season and read more info
For those who have doubts about new version of cf may rest calm. This version is really legitimate, it have rewriten game engine, fixed chaos legendary - eraser and etc. You can check the old change log here (new one is still not out, but we can expect it in next week)
Download official tournament map here(Castle Fight community forum with change log).
There will be an grand opening tournament on 24th of July 18:00 (UTC/GMT +2 hours), don't miss it!
Admin |
Dota stats reset! Good luck! |
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New points system was added to Dota 2v2 tourney games also. Good luck! |
Admin |
New points system was added to Castle Fight tourney games. Awards : I place - 10, II place - 6, III place - 3, IV place - 1 points. Good luck! |
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Account Registration ! | 2011-06-06 |
Newly created accounts will be usable with website login. |
Admin |
please note, there are no viruses or trojans in the full game install, just blizard trying to stop iligal servers thats it. So please allow your anti-virus to install it. |
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Update to 1.26a | 2011-04-03 |
Server updated to 1.26a
Server will automaticly update your current verstion to 1.26a. If you having problems with your update please try :
Download Patch 1.26a FULL>>(War3TFT_126a_English.exe)
Download >> Full Installation for 1.26a OUT NOW! (from files section)
- Hex will no longer provide a speed boost to a Hero if cast at the end of
Metamorphosis or Chemical Rage effects.
- Reverted the fix "Hex will no longer extend the duration of Metamorphosis."
- Fixed an issue where some Mac patches could lead to disconnections during
Battle.net games. |
Admin |
Automatic Tourneys | 2011-03-31 |
New type DOTA 2v2 tourney has been successfully added!
Fixed Line-up will be shown as it should player 1 = player 1 in the line-up.
Tourney rules was grouped to game modes for better viewing.
Admin |
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