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Info        www.warcraft3.eu
Warcraft 3: Bot's info & Bans
Warcraft 3: Staff and Rules
Warcraft 3: Report a player
Castle Fight: Online Stats
Castle Fight: Personal Stats
Castle Fight: Changelog
Castle Fight: About p1l1s
HellHalt: Online Stats
HellHalt: Personal Stats
Custom: Online Stats
p1l1s®: Name Protection
p1l1s®: Reset Stats
best players top 10

Castle Fight p1l1s®

1. 90 %
2. 94 %
3. 66 %
4. 81 %
5. 69 %
6. 73 %
7. 57 %
8. 66 %
9. 69 %
10. 61 %


HellHalt Classic p1l1s®

1. 75 %
2. 75 %
3. 75 %
4. 70 %
5. 74 %
6. 69 %
7. 67 %
8. 73 %
9. 76 %
10. 68 %


Name :
Pass :

www.warcraft3.eu News
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Server Staff2011-03-14

Our team looking for a Dota-Cheaters operator who could ban cheaters from server if they using cheats.The key to succes: pro gaming, forum visiting, age. Send me an email if you feel lucky. Only successful applicants will get reply.
Automatic Tourneys2011-01-26

Fixed bug, from today none of the new replays won't be able to upload again.
Proxy Blocker !2011-01-12

Added Proxy Blocker to prevent creation of new accounts from banned users.
Footmen !2010-12-27

Observers added to the map. Please update your map.
Footmen !2010-12-27

New type of tourney has been successfully added!
Castle Fight !2010-12-25

For the new Castle Fight season game modes changed, from now you must use -dr1 -slb -ur. Enjoy!
Ladder Reset!2010-12-25

Ladder has been reseted.Good luck in a new season.
Dota Stats!2010-10-26

If you have DotaBot with statistics on mysql database, your statistics must be added here for public viewing.
Automatic Tourneys2010-10-12

Tourneys time has been changed to 18:00hrs.
Automatic Tourneys2010-08-28

Fixed a bug allowing players to register any online username to tourney.
Fixed an exploit allowing a user to bypass a registration form and register players to tourney anyway.
Added a second player check up for timeout.



Tournament registration
Players list
Tournament schedule
Tournament rules

tournament winners

Castle Fight

rikz101 &  tyson
RingsOfRainbow &  rikz101
surtsey &  danesdb
DaneSDB &  hakai
Sundel &  Myrmidon
Nopeu &  DaneSDB
npokypopp &  voix2ciel
Myrmidon &  DaneSDB
ChampK &  qpEHuKC
kamilek &  F4RR3LL77307


HellHalt Classic

siop-- &  newjeans
DqVoLcHeTo &  Sunrisee
ponasbaronas &  159487
Dark_Side_Alpha &  evil21
BeyondHades &  DevilsSword
Oneloveonegame &  Proha[v.2.0]
BeyondHades &  DevilsSword
kokata &  decibelo
pepega228 &  pepega227
krasavchik &  oneloveonegame
