p1l1s® bot commands and other information
Information About p1l1s® Bot
First p1l1s® bot was made probably about 2008. It was dedicated to host games on our local server -
Balticum, to make Castle Fight map more popular. 2009 - p1l1s® bot was connected to international servers.
Later that year p1l1s® was recognized as a successful bot at international arena.2010 - started a tournaments on p1l1s® bot.
2012 - player rankings was implemented to Castle Fight p1l1s® bot.
2013 - Players was ranked by unique statistics algorithm.
In early 2014 all players was sorted with skill levels, was added !Local command and added automatic game mode setup support for Castle Fight map.
In late 2015 web stastistics was made.In spring of 2017 player slots was being displayed in game name, also started to host the Legion TD Hell map ( now known as HellHalt ).
In autumn of 2018 p1l1s® custom bot was introduced, which can host any desired map.During the summer of 2019 Graphs for personal stats was added to web p1l1s® statistics.
Apart from that, was still a lot of work I put in p1l1s® bot, I did not mention here.
p1l1s® Commands
!owner - you will become an owner of the game.
!local - you will become an owner of the game or you will take ownership from non-local user. Local users are all users who connecting from europe.warcraft3.eu server.This command works after spoofcheck is completed, about 10-20 secs of joining the game.
//cf - Immediately pass spoofcheck for Castle Fight 3v3 bot (europe.warcraft3.eu server only)
//de - Immediately pass spoofcheck for Desire bot (europe.warcraft3.eu server only)
//hh - Immediately pass spoofcheck for HellHalt bot (europe.warcraft3.eu server only)
//hc - Immediately pass spoofcheck for Hell Classic bot (europe.warcraft3.eu server only)
//cu - Immediately pass spoofcheck for Custom bot (europe.warcraft3.eu server only)
!newmap - load a map file (it tries to do a partial match) custom maps list ( p1l1s® Custom bot only ).
!gamename - set 'any game name' up to 13 characters. Please note: You are setting the game name only, game refreshes automatically.
!start - to start the game.
!a - abort the countdown.
!stat - will search for partial name in the game or lobby and will show statistics.
!stats - show statistics for any player.
!swap - swap slots.
!mute - mute a player (it tries to do a partial match)( p1l1s® desire bot only ).
!unmute - unmute a player (it tries to do a partial match)( p1l1s® desire bot only ).
!muteall - mute global chat (allied and private chat still works)( p1l1s® desire bot only ).
!unmuteall - unmute global chat ( p1l1s® desire bot only ).
!mode - will show map mode if selected.
!none - set map mode to none.
!1x1 - will set to Duel game type if available ( p1l1s® desire bot only ).
!2x2 - will set to Team 2v2 game type ( p1l1s® desire bot only ).
!3x3 - will set to Team 3v3 game type ( p1l1s® desire bot only ).
!ping - will show your latency.
!resume - resume game from pause.
!inactive - < partial match > useful if you suspect inactive player on your team. Suspected inactive player has 60 seconds for response in chat, for example: here. If there are no responce from the player, he will be kicked out from the game.
Game Mode Commands for Castle Fight Bot
!pro - Pro mode selected: -rr1 -ur -noai -gld 45 -emp1 -skip
!bpro - Pro mode with Ban Race selected: -rr1 -ur -noai -gld 45 -emp1 -ban1 -skip
!mpro - Multiplayer Pro mode selected: -mp2 -rr1 -ur -noai -gld 45 -skip
!mbpro - Multiplayer Pro mode with Ban Race selected : -mp2 -rr1 -ur -noai -gld 45 -ban1 -skip
!pick - Pick Race selected: -pr1 -ur -noai -gld 45 -emp1 -skip
!bpick - Pick Race with Ban Race selected: -pr1 -ur -noai -gld 45 -emp1 -ban1 -skip
!mpick - Multiplayer Pick Race selected: -mp2 -pr1 -ur -noai -gld 45 -skip
!mbpick - Multiplayer Pick Race with Ban Race selected : -mp2 -pr1 -ur -noai -gld 45 -ban1 -skip
!draft - Draft Race selected: -dr1 -ur -noai -gld 45 -emp1 -skip
!bdraft - Draft Race with Ban Race selected: -dr1 -ur -noai -gld 45 -emp1 -ban1 -skip
!mdraft - Multiplayer Draft Race selected: -mp2 -dr1 -ur -noai -gld 45 -skip
!mbdraft - Multiplayer Draft Race with Ban Race selected : -mp2 -dr1 -ur -noai -gld 45 -ban1 -skip
!proo - Pro mode without Orb selected: -rr1 -ur -noai -norb -gld 45 -emp1 -skip
!bproo - Pro mode with Ban Race and without Orb selected: -rr1 -ur -noai -norb -gld 45 -emp1 -ban1 -skip
!ultimp2 - Multiplayer with Ultimate Builders x2 selected: -ultimp2 -ur -noai -gld 45 -skip
!ultimp3 - Multiplayer with Ultimate Builders x3 selected: -ultimp3 -ur -noai -gld 45 -skip
!ulti - Ultimate mode selected : -ulti -ur -noai -gld 45 -emp1 -skip
Admin or Premium User Commands
!takeover - to become an owner of the game.
!akick - < partial match > < reason > to kick abusive player from game lobby or from the game if the player is on the same team.
!ban - < partial match > < days > < reason > kicks and bans abusive player for set amount of days.
!votecancel - cancel a votekick.
!synclimit - set sync limit for the lag screen (10-10000), leave blank to see current sync limit.
!latency - set game latency (20-500), leave blank to see current latency.
!drop - drop all lagging players.
!pause - pause the game.
!mute - mute a player (it tries to do a partial match).
!unmute - unmute a player (it tries to do a partial match).
!muteall - mute global chat (allied and private chat still works).
!unmuteall - unmute global chat.
!as - disable autostart. To re-enable use !as 6.
!votekick - start a votekick < partial match > < reason >.
!vk - start a votekick in game lobby < partial match > < reason >.
About Game Rank
From 2016.11.05 rank was resetted and now calculated by a new formula.
Top10 players during a month will need to play at least 15 games to keep their rank, otherwise they will become unranked.
Top 100 players will become unranked after half year of inactivity.
For each new year top players rank points might be adjusted to return sports interest for upcoming year.
About Player Skill Levels
Skill: -> Novice -> Trainee -> Recruit -> Competent -> Veteran -> Expert -> Pro -> Extreme Pro!
Novice - After your first game you will automaticaly gain this skill level.
Trainee - If you reach rank #3500, and your efficiency > 20%
Recruit - If you reach rank #1500, and your efficiency > 25%
Competent - If you reach rank #750, and your efficiency > 30%
Veteran - If you reach rank #300, and your efficiency > 40%
Expert - If you reach rank #100, and your efficiency > 50%
Pro - If you reach rank #50, and your efficiency > 60%
Extreme Pro! - If you reach rank #1, and your efficiency > 70%
After playing an old russian Castle Fight map you MUST restart your Warcraft3 game
in order to play at p1l1s® bot. If not - you will be kicked out due to desync.