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Info        www.warcraft3.eu
Warcraft 3: Bot's info & Bans
Warcraft 3: Staff and Rules
Warcraft 3: Report a player
Castle Fight: Online Stats
Castle Fight: Personal Stats
Castle Fight: Changelog
Castle Fight: About p1l1s
HellHalt: Online Stats
HellHalt: Personal Stats
Custom: Online Stats
p1l1s®: Name Protection
p1l1s®: Reset Stats
best players top 10

Castle Fight p1l1s®

1. 90 %
2. 94 %
3. 66 %
4. 69 %
5. 81 %
6. 70 %
7. 66 %
8. 57 %
9. 61 %
10. 80 %


HellHalt Classic p1l1s®

1. 75 %
2. 76 %
3. 71 %
4. 75 %
5. 74 %
6. 67 %
7. 69 %
8. 65 %
9. 63 %
10. 59 %


Name :
Pass :

Reset Stats page

Please read carefully before proceed!

1.) Reset is useful if you wish to play with the fresh account instead of creating a new one.
2.) Only warcraft3.eu users can reset player statistics.
3.) The minimum games should be played before stats can be reseted is 500.
4.) Login to the server with desired nickname.Log out.
5.) After you logged out from the server, you can come here and reset stats for desired nickname which will be shown in the form below.

Please note:
After reseting the game statistics, your account none games/wins/lost/rank etc... will be nulled, only skill level stays as it was prior to reset.

Statstics Reset:




Tournament registration
Players list
Tournament schedule
Tournament rules

tournament winners

Castle Fight

rikz101 &  tyson
RingsOfRainbow &  rikz101
surtsey &  danesdb
DaneSDB &  hakai
Sundel &  Myrmidon
Nopeu &  DaneSDB
npokypopp &  voix2ciel
Myrmidon &  DaneSDB
ChampK &  qpEHuKC
kamilek &  F4RR3LL77307


HellHalt Classic

siop-- &  newjeans
DqVoLcHeTo &  Sunrisee
ponasbaronas &  159487
Dark_Side_Alpha &  evil21
BeyondHades &  DevilsSword
Oneloveonegame &  Proha[v.2.0]
BeyondHades &  DevilsSword
kokata &  decibelo
pepega228 &  pepega227
krasavchik &  oneloveonegame
